Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Data from second launch

The changes we made on our rocket were taping down the fins to try to keep them down better and using a thicker string to attach the cone to the parachute. This time, the fins were able to stay attached to our rocket because the tape held them down. But the different string did not help because the cone still broke from the string.

With this launch we were able to get the rocket up higher and keep the fins attached to the rocket. The fins stayed on because we taped them down more this time.

In this launch we were not able to keep the cone attached although we tried to use a thicker string. We also weren't able to get the rocket to stay up for the 10seconds we hoped. During the set up, we had a lot of problems. We couldn't get the clips to hold the rocket to fit to the rocket the way we wanted it to. In general, we had a lot of problems with things going wrong.

In comparison to our prediction our launch made about half of the time we hoped for.

We will add one long string from the cone to the other strings on the parachute.

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